Developing analogic reasoning in ’environmental science studies’

Analogical reasoning is one of the components of inductive reasoning. It plays a key role in gaining new knowledge. The program tailored for second graders is based on the results of a previousdevelopmental program based on the subject matter and the study toolsof biology in the eighth grade. Furthermore, it is based on the subject matter and the study tools of environmental studies, taking into account the sensitive period between the ages of 6 to 8 in the development of analogical reasoning. The tasks of the program can be categorized into two main groups. (1) Field-specific word-analogy tasks, which are suitable for the practising of differentation and identification of different coherences (aggregation, theme-rheme, chronology, cause and effect, antithesis, correspondence, synonym, attribute, function, transformation, origin, location, elements of the same aggregate etc.) (2) Exercises practising the operations of analogical reasoning on the elements of subject matters, which relate the subject matter to everyday experience, and recently learned topics or other subjects. They are suitable for example for practising comparison (establishing difference and sameness), identification, recognition of order, classification, generalization, and taxonomy as reasoning process.

The results of the experiment yielded evidence that analogical reasoning can be developed well in school contextin the early school years. Data also shows that the analogical reasoning tasks can contribute to the development of reasoning and to a better understanding and acquisition of the subject matter of environmental studies especially in the case of boys.



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