Funded by the Social Renewal Operational Program Developing an Online Diagnostic Assessment is a research and development project being conducted by the Center for Research on Learning and Instruction, University of Szeged
The main objective of the project is to develop a technology-based assessment system that fosters students’ individual development by providing frequent diagnostic assessments. The research is extended to all the relevant components of the diagnostic system development. It includes the elaboration of a framework for three major literacy domains (reading literacy, mathematical literacy and scientific literacy), launching a development project in seven more fields, developing test banks, crating a platform for computerized (online) testing, meta-analysis of data gained from national and international assessments and training teachers and other stakeholders. >> More
The project involves
(1) the development of assessment frameworks in the domains of reading, mathematics and science
(2) exploration of the possibility of using diagnostic assessments in various fields;
(3) item construction and the development of item banks;
(4) the setting up and piloting of an online assessment system;
(5) extension of assessment to students with special educational needs;
(6) preparation of teachers and educational experts for participation in a variety of assessment processes; and
(7) secondary analysis of data collected in national and international assessment programs.
Az Oktatáselméleti Kutatócsoport leporellója a Diagnosztikus Mérések Fejlesztése Projektben (magyar)
Az Oktatáselméleti Kutatócsoport leporellója a Diagnosztikus Mérések Fejlesztése Projektben (angol)
Szeged Center for Research on Learning and Instruction
Address: 32-34 Petőfi Sándor sgt., Szeged, H-6722
Phone: +36 62 544 354 Fax: +36 62 544 354