Aims and Scope Established in 1892 and published quarterly, Magyar Pedagógia is the journal of the Educational Committee of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. It publishes original reports of empirical work, theoretical contributions and synthetic reviews on research of particular areas within the field of Education in the broadest sense as well as book reviews and memorandums relevant to the educational research community. The journal publishes research papers in Hungarian accompanied by an abstract in English. Magyar Pedagógia seeks to provide a forum for communication between the Hungarian and international research communities. Therefore, the Editorial Board encourages international authors to submit their manuscripts for consideration. Submitted journal articles will be subjected to a peer review process. Selection is based exclusively on the scientific quality of the work. Only original manuscripts will be considered. Manuscripts which have been published previously or are currently under consideration elsewhere will not be reviewed for publication in Magyar Pedagógia. However, authors retain their rights to reprint their article after it has appeared in this journal. Manuscripts should be preferably in Hungarian or in English. Papers should be between 10-20 printed pages (ca. 25000-50000 characters) and accompanied by a 250 word abstract. Manuscripts submitted in English should be prepared in accordance with the Publicational Manual of APA. All manuscripts should be sent to
the Editor: