Judit Pásku and Ákos Münnich: Non-specifict of extracurricular education In this study we have attempted to ascertain what benefits may be gained when children spend their free time engaged in organised activities. According to our findings, regular extracurricular activities or training (inside � in addition to various specific skills � or outside school) can also affect self-concept, attitudes toward work and study (e.g. associating between success or achievement and effort, and general cognitive skills. In these areas we find favourable differences in children who spend their free time in structured activities, especially if they are completely independent of school. On the basis of our study, we see that special a Hention should be paid to teamwork. Children engaged in teamwork surpass their peers in all three areas. It seems the common goal, the common reward, or the common opponent increases a sense of responsibility, and, consequently, the effort made to succeed. Children working in teams show by far the most positive self-concept compared to their peers; their cognitive performance is also higher. MAGYAR PEDAGÓGIA 100. Number 1. 59-77. (2000) Levelezési cím / Address for correspondence: Pásku Judit és Münnich Ákos, Debreceni Egyetem, Pedagógiai-Pszichológiai Tanszék, H-4010, Debrecen 10. Pf.: 28. |