Alistair Ross: The aims of Citizenship Education at the european and at national levels Citizenship Education is currently promoted at many levels in Europe today. There are calls for more civic education in school, and for educational programmes that will bring young people back to active participation in democratic institutions. This paper examines four aspects of citizenship education. Firstly, why are there all these demands? Behind the 'common-sense' explanations there are some other motives. Secondly, the paper will examine the national - European - global dimension, particularly in terms of emerging identities that are nested, one within the other, that are essentially contingent. Thirdly, the paper will examine various curriculum approaches to citizenship education, and how it might be attempted. The final section is based on the views of various educators across Europe on these areas, analysing particularly those of the teacher educators in the Thematic Network Project CiCe (Children's Identity and Citizenship in Europe). Teacher-educators will be those who in practical terms implement change, and their views and intentions are critical. MAGYAR PEDAGÓGIA 101. Number 2. 239-259. (2001) Levelezési cím / Address for correspondence: Alistair Ross, Institute for Policy Studies in Education, University of North London, United Kingdom. |