Kata Csizér, Edit Hegybíró Kontráné és Anna Sáfár: Language Learning Motivation of Deaf and Partially Hearing Adults In our research presented here we aimed at exploring language learning motivations of a sample of deaf and partially hearing people. Data were collected from 331 subjects about how motivated they were in learning English or any other foreign language. The research aimed at reconstructing the factors underlying their motivation. Our findings suggest that the motivation of deaf and partially hearing people is only average, even though they are completely aware of the benefits that foreign languages, especially English, could provide in addition to their Hungarian and sign-language knowledge in their work and every-day life. Our results have only limited validity, since our sample was not representative. However, it should be considered and further investigated that both in the case of deaf and partially hearing people, the milieu and methods of learning proved to have the most significant effect on language learning motivation. Since our questionnaire based methodology could only yield general indications regarding the influence of these factors, the immediate effects of both milieu and methods should be subject to further research. MAGYAR PEDAGÓGIA 108. Number 4. 941-357. (2008) Levelezési cím / Address for correspondence: Csizér Kata, H–2030 Érd, Lakatos u. 44. Kontráné Hegybíró Edit és Sáfár Anna, ELTE Angol Alkalmazott Nyelvészeti. H–1088 Budapest, Rákóczi út 5. |