R. Doyle Slater: A process for school change and improvement Changing schooling practices to improve student achievement has become a priority of schools throughout the world. Unfortunately, little attention is given to the process for signi¬ficant, lasting educational change. In this presentation, some ideas from the research literature are described to help us understand change, and a model for school improvement is explained. The 10 step process-oriented model, when followed by school teachers and administrators, has been found to be effective in improving student attitude, behavior, and academic performance. Significant in the process is the participation of all school faculty; guidance through each step provided by a faculty leadership team; the introduction and use of data as a base for making decisions; and the selection of research-based practices for classroom implementation. MAGYAR PEDAGÓGIA 92. Number 4. 245-261. (1992) Levelezési cím / Address for correspondence: : R. Doyle Slater, School of Education, Eastern Oregon State College, 1410 L. Avenue La Grande, Oregon, 97850, USA |