Hanneke Farkas Teekens: Educational innovation and international cooperation In Hungary the former prominent role of education to sustain ideological aims within the socialist system justified educataional innovation after 1989 to adapt teaching to new demands under a democracy. Subject content and teaching methods must prepare students with the knowledge, skills and attitudes which are necessary to shape a new era. This reform will be a decisive factor in developing a truly multiform society. The complexity of transforming the Hungarian educational system is complicated by the influence from abroad. Renewal is sought in accordance with trends and developments in the European Community. Political priorities and the interest of teachers and students do not necessarily coincide. International cooperation is in most cases established through short-term projects. The nature of this project organisation and financing means that the cooperation which is established is often short and does not allow for long term developmental activities. A description is given of a fruitful Dutch-Hungarian cooperation which was carried out between teacher training institutes. The apparent positive results prompt us to critical reflection. What will the impact be in the long run and do side effects occur which were not anticipated? More educational research is needed to answer the as yet unanswered question of which way educational expertise from the „West” contributes to the process of educational innovation in the „East” MAGYAR PEDAGÓGIA 92. Number 2. 131-151. (1992) Levelezési cím / Address for correspondence: Hanneke Farkas Teekens, Algemene Hogeschool Amsterdam, Herengrach 266, 1016 BV Amsterdam, The Netherlands |