Endre Ballér : Continuity in Hungarian educational science In the long history of educational science in Hungary, despite cataclysms, wars, upheavals, revolutions and counterrevolutions, frequent changes of political systems, a remarkable continuity prevailed. If we focus our attention on the positive values embedded in this process, five issues can be emphasized: practice oriented theory, predomination of the historical approach, strong links with international scientific development and achievements, marked value orientation, theoretical, phenomenological, hermetic methodology. This continuity was able to exert a favourable influence on educational science even in the hard period of the communist party-state system, where traditions were treated in a hostile manner. Several examples, taken from the last two centuries, are given to demonstrate this characteristic feature of Hungarian educational science. MAGYAR PEDAGÓGIA 92. Number 2. 107-118. (1992) Levelezési cím / Address for correspondence: Ballér Endre, Budapesti Közgaz¬daság¬tu¬do¬mányi Egyetem, Pedagógia tanszék, H–1092 Budapest, Kinizsi u. 1–7. |