György Mikonya: Philipp Melanchton, The Teacher (1497–1560) Philipp Melanchton played a decisive role in the development of Protestantism. Acknowledging the importance of his work in theology, the present study focuses on the analysis of his pedagogical activities. Melanchton was influenced by humanism in the course of his own schooling. His uncle, Johannes Reuchlin, the school of Devotio Moderna and the study of the works of Erasmus influenced his views on education, which he summarized in his „Studienreform in der Leucorea” inaugural speech in Wittenberg in 1518. Melanchton has indisputable merits in shaping the impact of the Luther–Erasmus debate. He facilitated the integration of some of the achievements of Humanism into Reformation. Besides his theoretical contributions, Melanchton was an organizer of education, involved with practical issues as well. The introduction of the collection of rules known as the Wittenberg system and especially the detailed description of the methods used make a more differentiated view of the pedagogical events of the transition between Humanism and Reformation possible. Melanchton was also a writer of textbooks, of which his book on history is introduced. In summary, the most important achievement of Melanchton's pedagogical work is the establishment of continuity between Humanism and Reformation. MAGYAR PEDAGÓGIA 98. Number 3. 231-237. (1998) Levelezési cím / Address for correspondence: Mikonya György, Eötvös Loránd Tudo¬mány¬egyetem, Tanárképző Főiskolai Kar, 1075 Budapest, Kazinczy u. 23–27. |