Gábor Tóth: Sándor Imre and the Paedagogium (1908–1919) The present study focuses primarily on Sándor Imre's activities as a teacher in the Paedagogium between 1908–1919. The article covers the development of the curriculum of the teacher training institute for higher elementary education (1910) and the corresponding plans of further development; lectures on pedagogy (psychology, logic, education, the history of philosophy and education); Imre's work in the Ifjúsági Kör [Youth Circle] Pedagogical section; the writing of the regulations for the teaching practicum (1909); the issue of summer courses for higher elementary school teachers; and the tutorial work he did in Apponyi Collegium. The period presented is significant, as, in the process of teaching, this was the time that the concept of scientific theory, later elaborated in his National Education (1912), first cheystallised in Imre's understanding of education. The lectures he gave in the period present the first formulation of his views on education, which he published only later, in 1928. In this formulation his attention focused not on the academic tasks of the theory of education, but on the theoretical and practical needs of the future teacher. In outlining the work of Sándor Imre as a teacher, his academic and public activities were also mentioned. This was the first period in this life when his endeavors as teacher, academic and public figure were in the most complete harmony. MAGYAR PEDAGÓGIA 98. Number 2. 99-122. (1998) Levelezési cím / Address for correspondence: Tóth Gábor, H–1221 Budapest, Városház tér 6. |